독한 술 영어로
liquor liqueur brandy tanglefoot +모두 보이기... distillate spirits schnapps geezer fettle creature 독한 : powerful; decisive; sturdy; reverent; robust;술 : 술1 [취하는 음료] liquor; alcoholic drink;독한 : powerful; decisive; sturdy; reverent; robust; strong; spiteful; stout; malicious술 : 술1 [취하는 음료] liquor; alcoholic drink; an intoxicant; wine; spirits. 독한[약한] ~ a strong[weak] wine / a hard[light] liquor. 감칠맛이 나는 ~ wine of good body. 오래 묵은 ~ old wine / aged wine / old vintage. 단[쓴] 술 술 : Alcoholic drinks고독한 : lone; lorn; forlorn; lonely독한 맥주 : stingo술이 독한 : robust악독한 : enormous위독한 : unsafe; dangerous; perilous유독한 : toxic; poisonous; virulent; noxious; toxicant; slanderous; derogatory; pernicious; damaging; baneful; noyous; damageable지독한 : vicious; raw; bloody; frightful; sanguinary; devilish; devil; horrid; sepulchral; shocking; devastating; filthy; ferocious; beastly; bitter; deathlike; fierce; keen; infernal; unmerciful; blood; blo혹독한 : rigorous; livid고독한 군중 : the lonely crowd고독한 미식가 : Kodoku no Gourmet
I never take shots. 난 독한 술 먹어본 적 없는데 So, you have what I want. 졸라 독한 술!